Dental Emergencies2018-06-04T02:43:54-07:00

Dental Emergencies

What constitutes a dental emergency?

Injuries to the mouth may include teeth that are knocked out (avulsed), forced out of position and loosened (extruded) or fractured. in addition, lips, gums or cheeks are often cut. Oral injuries are often painful and should be treated by a dentist as soon as possible.

How soon should I see a dentist?

Immediately. Getting to a dentist within 30 minutes can make the difference between saving or losing a tooth.

What should I do when a tooth is knocked out?

  • Immediately call your dentist for an emergency appointment.
  • Handle the tooth by the crown, not the root. Touching the root (the part of the tooth below the gum) can damage cells necessary for
    bone reattachment.
  • Gently rinse the tooth in water to remove dirt. Do not scrub.
  • If possible, gently place the clean tooth in the socket to keep it moist. It is imporunt not to let the tooth dry out.
  • If it is not possible to store the booth in the mouth of the injured person, wrap the tooth in a dean cloth or gauze and immerse in milk
    or saliva.

What should I do when a tooth is pushed out of position?

  • Attempt to reposition the tooth no its normal alignment using very light finger pressure, but do not force the tooth.
  • Bite down to keep the tooth from moving.

What should I do when a tooth is fractured?

  • Rinse mouth with warm water.
  • Use an ice pack or cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Use Ibuprofen, not Aspirin, for pain.
  • Immediately get to your dentist, who will determine treatment based on how badly the tooth is broken. Only a dentist can tell how bad the break is.

Type of fracture

  • Minor fracture: Minor fractures can be smoothed by your dentist or simply left alone. Another option is to restore the tooth with a composite restoration. In either case, treat the tooth with care for several days.
  • Moderate fracture: Moderate fractura indude damage to the enamel dentin and/or pulp (nerve and other live tissues). If the pulp is not permanently damaged, the tooth may be restored with a full permanent crown. If damage to the pulp does occur, further dental treatment will be required.
  • Severe fracture: Severe fractures often mean a traumatized tooth with slim chance of recovery.

* Information provided by Academy of General Dentistry

We offer 24-hour emergency service for our established patients.

If an emergency occurs, please call the office at